A conceptual and theoretical framework for deep mediatisation
datafication, deep mediatisation, digitalisation, mediatisation, social constructionAbstract
Among the processes related to network communication, the study presents the concept of deep mediatisation resulting from digitisation. In the theories related to traditional mass communication (printed press, radio, television), the nature of the process of mediation has been problematic since the 1980s, and some researchers have focused on researching the process of mediatisation instead of the media phenomenon. In this study, I explore the research traditions of mediatisation in terms of both media sociology and cultural theories. While the concept of mediatisation is used to describe traditional mass communication technologies and processes that operate in a classical, analogue way, deep mediatisation is the key word for network communication on a digital infrastructure. After highlighting the differences between traditional mediatisation and deep mediatisation, I present the theory of Couldry and Hepp, which underpins a new kind of social construction theory based on deep mediatisation in the social world.
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