About the Journal

Institutiones Administrationis – Journal of Administrative Sciences (IAJAS) is a peer-reviewed academic journal publishing original research articles and book reviews on public administration, public law, and political science broadly considered. IAJAS accepts submissions on all facets of public administration, public law, constitutional law, public policy, public management, and fiscal administration both from Central and Eastern Europe and from other parts of the globe. The journal was founded by Széchenyi István University in 2021, and it is published by its University Press, UNIVERSITAS-Győr Non-profit Ltd.


ISSN (online) 2786-1929


The journal is published two times a year, a summer issue in June/July and a winter issue in November/December.


Aims and Scope

Institutiones Administrationis – Journal of Administrative Sciences, founded in 2021, is a Central and Eastern European journal with global coverage. The journal publishes articles on all facets of public administration, public law, constitutional law, public policy, public management, and fiscal administration both on the region and other parts of the globe. The journal aims to facilitate a forum for scholarly discussion that may promote and contribute to critical legal thinking, legal practice, and academic research. The editors are also interested in comparative or multidisciplinary analyses, and in submissions addressing the history of public administration and public law.

The journal considers only previously unpublished manuscripts which present original research supported by sound arguments. Publications posted on preprint servers and modified versions of preliminary publications (e.g.: in working papers, PhD dissertations, etc.) are considered exceptions to the prior rule. All published articles are subject to a double-blind peer review process.



Institutiones Administrationis – Journal of Administrative Sciences was founded by Széchenyi István University and it is published by Universitas Győr Non-profit Ltd, the University Press of Széchenyi István University.


Last updated: 6 June 2024