License Agreement


UNIVERSITAS-Győr Non-profit Ltd.  (hereinafter: Publisher)

Postal address: H-9026 Győr, Egyetem tér 1.


I, the author, hereby confirm and agree that I am the sole author and owner of the copyright of the author’s work being submitted for consideration (hereinafter: Work) in Institutiones Administrationis – Journal of Administrative Sciences [IAJAS] –, and I accept the agreement of licence to publish (hereinafter: LTP) , and if the copyright of the Work being submitted for consideration is jointly owned by me and the other Author(s) listed as Co-Author(s) then I agree to (and I am authorized by each Author to agree to) the terms of this LTP on behalf of all Authors, and no other third person nor entity has any copyright interest in the Work being submitted and third party has no exclusive right of use.

Undertakings and Representation

  1. I agree that I will not submit the Work or any part of it to another journal for proofreading and/or publication until the final editorial decision on acceptance, revision or decline is taken. I accept that the Work or any prior version of it in whole or in part, was not submitted for consideration for proofreading and/or publication in any proofread scholarly journal, contributed volume or in any other medium. I guarantee that the Publisher will publish the Work first (right of first publication).
  2. I accept that if the Work has previously been proofread and/or published in another journal or distributed in a preprint database or repository, I will inform the Publisher ([email protected]) of this at the time of submission of the Work and provide the link to the contact details. I also ensure to provide the appropriate references to the prior distribution and/or publication of the Work. I accept that the obligation to provide information also extends to the case where the structure of the previous Work is identical of the Work. The Publisher reserves the right to accept or reject the publication of the Work.
  3. I hereby undertake and represent that:
    • each named Author has full authority and power to agree to the terms in this LTP,
    • the Corresponding Author has full authority to execute this LTP on behalf of the Authors,
    • the Work is original and has not been previously published in whole or in part (except for publication on preprint servers, refined version of working papers, parts of otherwise unpublished dissertations)
    • the Work and any Supplementary Material contain nothing that infringes any existing copyright or licence or any other intellectual property right of any third-party,
    • the Work and any Supplementary Material contain nothing that breaches a duty of confidentiality or discloses any private or personal information of any person without that person’s written consent.

License to Publish

  1. Upon acceptance of the submitted Work, I agree to grant Publisher for free the right of first publication in IAJAS under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 4.0) ( that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the Work's authorship and initial publication in this journal. I also authorise the Publisher for free to reposit, make print and/or electronic copies of, and share and distribute the Work on the journal’s and/or publisher’s platforms.

 Interpretative provisions

  1. Preprint: publication of the manuscript in a database by the author, in which case the manuscript is not subjected to professional proofread.
  2. Repository: a document storage server for archiving and public access to scientific articles and research results.
  3. Publication: an article that previously proofread by a journal and published to the public as a result.

I hereby agree to be bound by all provisions of the above license to publish.