Thoughts on the meaning content of the principle of local autonomy
autonomy, self-regulation, local self-government, legal protection, devolutionAbstract
Autonomy is a fundamental principle in many areas of public law, and particularly in relation to local self-government. The term itself is widely used, sometimes too widely. But what are the conceptual foundations of this principle? What are the components of this principle? Within the framework of this paper, I will examine some aspects of the principle of autonomy, without claiming to be exhaustive, in an attempt to shed light on the theoretical significance of the principle's role in relation to local self-government. The aim of this study is neither to describe current trends in the field of autonomy, nor to explore the reasons for the obstacles to its application. Instead, the study will seek to explore the concept on a dogmatic basis in order to make more effective reference to its components in the context of some of the current issues that can be associated with autonomy. In addition to examining the components, the study will seek to highlight the importance of the correct use of the concept in the protection of the right to local self-government.
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