The scope of judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters within the EU in the context of the exclusion of administrative matters and acta iure imperii




public authority, acta iure imperii, Brussels I bis Regulation, Rome I Regulation, civil and commercial matters


The present article focuses on the scope of the key sources of judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters within the EU, namely the Brussels I bis, Rome I and Rome II Regulations, in the context of the activities of public authorities. The aim of the article is to identify whether a legal relationship in which one of the parties is a public authority can qualify as a civil and commercial matter within the meaning of the Regulations in question and thus be subsumed under their ratione materiae and, if so, under which circumstances.

Author Biography

  • Dominika Moravcová, Pan-European University

    PhD student, Faculty of Law, Pan-European University, Bratislava, Slovakia


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How to Cite

The scope of judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters within the EU in the context of the exclusion of administrative matters and acta iure imperii. (2024). Institutiones Administrationis - Journal of Administrative Sciences, 3(1), 112-126.