The Legal Status of Macro-Prudential Authorities in the EU Member States




Institutional framework, macro-prudential management, Magyar Nemzeti Bank, financial stability, systemic risks


The study examines the main components of the organizational framework for macro-prudential management in the Member States of the European Union. The organizational design of macro-prudential management is a competence of the Member States, which can themselves be grouped into different models. First, the study provides an overview of the international and EU standards and recommendations on the legal status of macro-prudential bodies in the Member States. Then, it lists those basic features of the legal status of macro-prudential bodies which are relevant with a view to the present inquiry before finally turning to address those very features. The study concludes that there is a tendency for the EU macro-prudential body to standardize the basic elements of the legal status of the Member State macro-prudential bodies. However, the process of standardization, in terms of the content of the institutional framework, is still at an early stage and a variety of legal solutions may be identified for each of the substantive aspects. As such, we claim that the institutional framework of macro-prudential policy is best described by a coordinated standardization of the substantive pillars with different formal features and with different legal solutions.

Author Biographies

  • János Kálmán, Széchenyi István University

    Assistant Lecturer, Széchenyi István University, Deák Ferenc Faculty of Law and Political Science, Department of Administrative and Financial Law, Győr, Hungary

  • Michal Janovec, Masaryk University

    Associate Professor, Masaryk University, Faculty of Law, Department of Financial Law and Economics, Brno, Czech Republic


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How to Cite

The Legal Status of Macro-Prudential Authorities in the EU Member States. (2024). Institutiones Administrationis - Journal of Administrative Sciences, 4(1), 6-25.